Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Look at what Kevin just finished restoring. Pretty sweet ride. I'm trying to convince him to keep it- but I think he's leaning towards selling it. Don't ya think he would look flippin' sweet riding around the neighborhood in it?

Below is *hopefully* his next project. I've staked my claim in this bike. I can imagine it all shiny and sparkly again, in a fresh color with a big sturdy wicker basket attached to the front. New streamers coming out of the handles, and a beautiful new embroidered seat. Notice the skirt guard? How very lady like. While Kevin is tooling around the neighborhood sipping his coffee I can trail behind him on my girlie bike perhaps selling fresh baked goodies from the front basket....and maybe we can fit a basket on the back and I can sell puppies from the back!! Cupcakes and Puppies - its a goldmine idea. We'll be rich in now time, even if its just rich in sugary sweets and puppy kisses.

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